
Your resume serves as a personal introduction to potential employers and is a reflection of your professionalism, abilities, and communication skills. 它必须作为一个 effective "marketing tool" to highlight what you can offer an organization.

If you are applying to positions in academia, such as research fellowships, or to graduate schools, a CV-curriculum vita, an “academic” resume, may be what you need. 求职信应该包含在你的简历中. 它应该根据职位量身定制 and organization of interest and highlight your related skills and experiences.

Writing your resume is one of the most important things you will do relative to your 找工作.

This critical document is often your first formal “introduction” to employers who expect them to be carefully thought out, clear in explaining and highlighting your 技能,易于阅读,完全没有错误. 通常你应该投出一份简历 is prefaced by a cover letter, which should convince employers that you are a noteworthy 就业候选人.

确保你的简历被批评过!  与我们见面,也与个人见面 who have backgrounds in areas similar to your interests, to offer feedback. 你可能 upload your resume to our Handshake resume exchange program for us to view and critique, or you may drop off a draft to our office for a consultation.

使用我们的 简历指导 for information on what we have found, through years of experience, to be what employers 期望在简历上看到,并看到各种各样的例子. 我们也有硬拷贝 of 简历指导s available, which you may pick up at Career Services. 

注意: Do realize that once employers attain your personal information via your resume, they often investigate a candidate's "virtual" persona on social networking sites 比如Facebook和Instagram.  一定要把资料和照片放在你的 site, 也 as information about you on friends' sites, is what you would be proud 与未来的雇主分享.

Students who are applying to graduate/professional schools or to academically focused programs such as research fellowships, should submit a CV, a curriculum vitae – an academic “course of life,” which focuses on educational and intellectual achievements.

访问 us for feedback on your CV draft and be sure to obtain critiques from faculty 谁有专门的专业知识和见解. 一份典型的简历包括 following information and will likely be lengthier than a one page resume:

  • Name 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜: Contact information including your home and school addresses, 手机号码和电子邮件
  • 客观的 & Areas of Interest: Incorporate a short objective into this area, such as “入学 to Good University’s PhD program, to further career contributions to the clinical psychology profession, while gaining opportunities to contribute to research 在精神疾病和认知方面.列出额外的、具体的兴趣领域 sure that your interests match and complement the research and mission of the programs 你所申请的职位. Focus all writing on what you can offer to the organization 还有学术纪律.
  • Education: your degree earned or in progress, institution, and year of graduation. 高级课程列表 & 技能(例. 实验室技能和设备,统计软件, 等.),该计划会发现这与他们的需求有关.
  • 研究: Include the titles of your research, names of mentors, and a short description 你的工作和成果.
  • Grants, Honors and Awards: a list of grants received, honors and awards you may have 因奖学金、教学或服务而获得的.
  • Publications and Presentations: a list of published articles which you authored or co-authored, 也 presentations/poster sessions given at conferences.
  • Employment and Experience: This section may include teaching experiences, laboratory 经验,实习 & field experiences, volunteer work, leadership in clubs, or other 相关的经验.
  • Scholarly or Professional Memberships: a listing of the professional organizations 你是其中的一员. 注意你是否担任过办公室或委员会成员的角色.
  • References: Prior to sending out your CV, create a list of at least 3 persons who have agreed to write letters of recommendation for you; include their names, titles 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

When responding to employment opportunities and submitting resumes to potential employers, 不要在投简历的时候不附上求职信.

The cover letter "introduces" you to employers and highlights the abilities, experiences 你必须为他们提供教育. 求职信最能打动雇主 those which address their needs and relate your skills to the actual job description.

This letter should never be a "form" letter, it should be directed to a specific person, 如果可能的话,在申请某个职位的时候. 如果一个特定的位置不是 available, you may still send a resume and cover letter requesting that the organization 考虑你将来的职位空缺.

The cover letter should consist of an introductory paragraph explaining how you heard about the job opening or the organization; a second paragraph briefly describing your skills and interests and what you can offer to the organization; and a final paragraph requesting an interview and describing how you will follow-up on your correspondence, 如果可以的话.

Always make sure that your cover letter is proofread by a variety of "reviewers." Do bring your cover letter to Career Services for a critique 也.

Don't forget that you also need to send "thank you" letters to employers after interviews 也! Thank you, 接受ance, and Rejection of Offer Letters are also included in 本指南. 你可能 also pick up a hard copy of the guide at Career Services.